Psalm 118 has showed up in my life a lot over the past few days. God has used this chapter to speak to me about fear and faith. The Lord doesn't want us to be afraid of things on this earth. We are to fear only the Lord. Our faith needs to be bigger than our fear. Sounds so easy right it what does it look like in real life? It looks like not letting anxiety go from a feeling to an obsession. Taking our worries to the throne of Christ because worry alone can't add a day to this life. This chapter tells us the Lord is for me among those who help me! Yes the God of the universe sees us and our heart and all the things that trouble us, He is our help, not the world not man. Put your confidence in Him today. The enemy uses fear to steal our joy and to steal the moments of today. I don't want any more robbed moments. Take your thoughts captive and bring them to the God who loves you! 💗

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
A Time For Trial...
It's hard for us to except sometimes that there is a time and a place for trials but the story of the Israelites escape from Egypt followed by 40 years in the wilderness tells us that God allows trials and when he does it is part of a greater purpose for our lives. I was in this section of Deuteronomy 8:2-5 a few days ago but it has stayed with me. Here the Lord says I allowed you to wonder in the wilderness to humble you and test your hearts. I feed you with Manna so you would depend on me and know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the Lord. And while I tested you your clothes didn't wear out and your foot didn't swell (it could have been worse!) and as you discipline and restrain your own children I also disciples and restrain you.
God has something great in store for each of us but we need to need Him and we need to be humbled by Him. What good would I be as a parent if I didn't restrain my child, or discipline them, or teach them humility? My job is to raise a God fearing child who will grow up and share christ love, if I let them run wild and hand them all things freely I'm not doing my job.
It's the same with God, His job isn't to please us, he loves us so don't confuse that. Through each of our own unique experiences He is bringing us to a proper maturity in Him so we can fulfill our unique purpose in this life.
God has great plans for you and if you are in a trial try to look for Gods heart behind it. I pray that when my children get older that will see my heart behind things I have limited them from because it was the best thing for them. In the same way I have to try to see Gods heart when life doesn't go as I plan and let Him be the parent...
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Cast My Cares...
I love music, it lets me connect with God in a way that is worship centered. I recently have been hearing this song often, it's Cast My Cares by Finding Favor. I was thinking about posting the song this morning when I was in the shower and then the song came on the radio! (Yes Lord!)
I especially love the chorus. Sometimes it's hard for us to remember God is in control, His ways are not ours, His timing is not ours BUT he is still in control! In a bible study Monday we were asked how we know that God is in us and so many said that peace that we shouldn't have in our soul is there, it's evident and it's not forum ourself it's from God!
He is the anchor of my soul and I wouldn't trade ANYTHING in this world for the peace that's in my soul... This world is broken and lost but with Jesus oh the hope and renewal that floods us is unlike anything we could get from this world. 💗
Cast your cares on Him today, remember He sees you and He's got this under control!
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Gods Creation 💗
Oh my gosh I feel so blessed this morning to have seen this beautiful creature! I do not live in a wooded area I do not live where dear roam LOL! I took this picture on the side of a shopping area we have near my neighborhood. I was at a stoplight and I saw the deer it took my breath away and then I saw a car coming toward it and I thought oh no I want to see this deer so bad and I just prayed Lord please let me see this beautiful creature you created. Then my light turned green and I drove and I got right up next to this deer and it just went to turn around and run but then it stopped and looked at me and just let me take so many pictures. I was so enamored by this deer it's just beautiful. The native Americans believe that the deer is a spirit animal who can move through life's difficulties with grace. Praising God for blessing me with this brief encounter 💗
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
I love what the Lord is telling the Israelites here in Deuteronomy. He says you are a chosen people, a special treasure. I did not choose you because you were many in number for in fact you were the least.
That's how God rolls, he picks the underdog and makes them a champion. If we were in 5th grade picking dodgeball teams God would pick that kid no one else wants on their team and he would pick them first!
God is so good at taking us and revealing the specialness that he put in us. The bible says when it's all said and done the first will be last and the last will be first. If you are dealing with a feeling of being the least in a world that tells us we need to be the most discard that feeling because being the least makes you a special treasure in Gods eyes and that is better than anything any human can say about you!!!
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