Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Jonah tried to flee from the plan God had for his life but he could not. Why do we run from what God has for us? Fear? Shame? Guilt? Pride? God found Jonah because God is EVERYWHERE, we can pretend to run from Him but we are simply fooling ourselves! After spending some alone time in the belly of a whale 🐳 Jonah came to his senses and submitted to the Lord and followed the plan God had for him. A city called Nineveh was spared because Jonah brought them a message from God and the people repented. More than 120,000 people turned from their evil ways and because Jonah (eventually) was obedient he got to be apart of this event that glorified God and saved the people!
Are you running from a calling God has spoke to you? Maybe your running from something He commanded you to do like forgive someone or share your faith. We can not out run God, we can only exhaust ourselves by running away from the beautiful plan He has for us. If the Lord is speaking to you today embrace it knowing that His ways are always better than ours.
He loves you and has a purpose for you, but you must choose to step toward it.