Jesus, son of man, on the cross in his final hours is what I am reading about today. The account is in John, the last gospel.
Back to the of Jesus, I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure if I were in his position I would only be thinking of my pain and suffering but here in this passage look what Jesus says. His mother and other women were gathered there and he looked on his mother and the disciple that he loved and he said to his mother "Woman, behold your son" and to the disciple he said "behold your mother". In his final moments he wanted to be sure his mother was cared for, that she had a "son". At this point his mother was most likely a widow and Jesus was living the word out in his death bed honoring his mother. Beautiful!
Honor and love your parental figures today in what ever form they met be, and if they are gone bless their soul. Be a son or daughter to someone who needs one. Maybe a neighbor who lives alone maybe a relative who has no children. Reach out to those who cared for you or show care for someone who has no one to care for them...