Saturday, October 29, 2016

Relentless Love

I just started reading in Hosea, a book I haven't read in the Bible before. The story starts out with the Lord commanding Hosea to take a wife who was a harlot. Hosea in the story represents the Lord and his wife Gomer represents the children of Israel who God saved but they turned their back on the Lord yet He continued to be merciful to them. 

This verse struck me, literally moving me to tears: Hosea 2:14-15

Therefore, behold, I will allure her,

Will bring her into the wilderness,

And speak comfort to her. 

I will give her vineyards from there,

and the Valley of Achor as a door of hope;

She shall sing there,

As in the days of her youth.

I know the female terms here represent Israel but they also represent me. I am the one who knew the Lord and walked away. I am the one who bent to other gods in spite of my knowledge of Christ. I am the one who was a wayward child. But my God spoke to my heart, He rescued me not just with Christ death but again and again when I did not deserve it. He is so good and so full of mercies that are new everyday! He is making me sing again as I did in my youth, I am the Lords and He is mine!

God doesn't care about where you have been, He loves you relentlessly! Don't let your past keep you from the AMAZING life the Lord has to offer. 

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