I know, I know its a little late for a fourth of July post. I was really just thinking about how much I love fireworks. They are beautiful, exciting even romantic. The explode with such color, they are loud and vibrant. You really never know what you are going to get either until you light the fire and release what's inside. I love being surprised by a burst of color that lights up the night sky, I love the boom that shakes my chest for a brief moment just before the firework explodes in all its beauty. There is just something awe inspiring about that sudden explosion in the sky.
When you look at a firework prior to its explosion though what do you see? Cardboard trying to convey potential, nope doesn't do the trick. In fact the packaging is so small, so insignificant compared to whats inside. Plus all of that potential could remain nothing more than gunpowder and chemicals if it isn't ignited. How sad to think the beauty of a firework might never be seen, that if could remain locked inside that temporary casing. It would not do itself, its creator or anyone else any good that way.
That is how we are. People put into existence by a holy God who is full of grace and wants to give our lives purpose. We were made to love and serve him and when our deepest desires align to seek Gods will for our life we can then tap into real potential and pure joy. When we get ignited with Christ overwhelming love and unending grace we have the power to be who He calls us to be. When our dry bones come alive as we seek Him in the Bible and our heart is set on fire by the spirit of God He will transform us and use us in ways we can not imagine.
Sure we could just keep all that inside. We could say life is too hard to seek Gods will but I'd rather see the beauty He has for us. I'd rather feel the boom and experience the wonder of what can be when my life is fully given to God. Our "packaging" (flesh) it pales in comparison to the bright spirit of the Lord that lives inside of us. I look forward to the surprise, to the potential, even the mystery of what God has in store for those who surrender to Him.
I don't want to keep it locked up, I want to be focused and on fire for God's
Today is declutter day at the Davidson house. We have so much "stuff" just laying around that we don't use, books we could donate, games with missing pieces, things we just don't need anymore. I am looking forward to cleaning out some "things" on my last vacation day.
Sometimes we need to do the same thing with our heart, it can get filled up with emotions and sins we are holding on to. It gets cluttered with jealousy, unforgiveness and anger to name a few. When our heart is crowded with sin it weighs us down on the inside. It is a heavy burden to bear that keeps our heart in chains.
David the Psalmist said it well “For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long." Psalm 32:3 ESV
He was not taking time to confess his sins to the Lord and it was aging him from the inside out. When we hold on to our sin and to our ugly emotions and don't confess them to God we are holding our heart hostage, keeping stuff inside that is occupying the spaces God wants to fill with love and grace and hope!
David knew what he needed to do: "I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.”
Psalms32:5ESV If you feel heavy hearted today the remedy is easily available. Get on your knees and get real with God. He already knows what's in your heart and when we drop our pride to acknowledge it to Him, forgiveness and freedom will come rushing in replacing the "stuff" that was weighing us down.
Father help me the kind of woman today that will submit herself to you. Give me the strength to resist whatever evil or temptation may come my way way. Father let me humble myself to your way, let me bend to the commands of your word not my own flesh. Let me actively take up your armor today Lord so I can fight against the enemy's attacks. Even if I am weak today you are strong enough for every battle I face. Lord you are always good and I thank you that you are always with me in the deepest valleys and on the highest mountains and everywhere in between.
Jonah tried to flee from the plan God had for his life but he could not. Why do we run from what God has for us? Fear? Shame? Guilt? Pride? God found Jonah because God is EVERYWHERE, we can pretend to run from Him but we are simply fooling ourselves! After spending some alone time in the belly of a whale 🐳 Jonah came to his senses and submitted to the Lord and followed the plan God had for him. A city called Nineveh was spared because Jonah brought them a message from God and the people repented. More than 120,000 people turned from their evil ways and because Jonah (eventually) was obedient he got to be apart of this event that glorified God and saved the people!
Are you running from a calling God has spoke to you? Maybe your running from something He commanded you to do like forgive someone or share your faith. We can not out run God, we can only exhaust ourselves by running away from the beautiful plan He has for us. If the Lord is speaking to you today embrace it knowing that His ways are always better than ours.
He loves you and has a purpose for you, but you must choose to step toward it.
"But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you.” Matthew 28:5-7
I truly believe that God gives us the words that we need when we need them. That is because His word is alive and active! The Bible is not just a book on the shelf... God gave me this verse today as I prayed.
Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” What amazed me was not only did God give me this word that I needed but when I read the context of it, just WOW!
Moses the guy who had been leading the Israelites since they left Egypt had died and Joshua was about to take over and the Lord was giving Joshua encouragement and reminding him that He would not leave Joshua's side nor forsake him. But the Lords instructions to Joshua were very clear God said follow my law. He told Joshua "The book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written and then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success." (full text in Joshua 1:1-9)
God left us His word so we we could use it, because it is powerful and because it helps us know our creator on a personal level. God does not want to ensnare us in our wrong doings, He gave us the Bible to free us, to give us awareness. It is transformative for our mind and heart! The Lord was telling Joshua I'm here with you don't worry but know my word and love my word and then you will prosper.
We really can not walk the life God has intended for us if we don't let His word invade our hearts. We need to renew our mind every day. This world is always ready to strike a blow but the Word is always ready to guide us and encourage us. Have a little less world everyday and a little more of Gods Word and watch your heart and mind change! #beamazedatHim
Sometimes it can seem like a very hard thing to do, to be still and know that God is in control, to wait for His will to be done but sometimes this is the very thing we must to do. He wants us to rest in Him, to trust in Him, Gods provision is very real! He knows what we need and when we need it. The enemy can't change His plans for you and God isn't going to change His mind about you! Rather than worrying about tomorrow, get on your knees today. You will find more peace and hope through prayer, reading the Bible and worshiping God than you ever will living in the lie and entrapment of worry and fear. #bestillandknow
Have you ever wondered when the time would come that God realizes exactly what kind of person you are? When He will get tired of your sin and doubt? When He will decide that He is done with you? I know I have, in fact I have spent many days wondering when God will realize that I am not enough. Here's the truth though, it is His love that makes us enough! He knows every dark crevasse of our hearts and He loves us anyway, He knows every sinful thought and action we have yet He chooses us anyway, He knows every wrong we've ever done but He says we can be a light anyway! His grace is enough to cover every mistake and His love is enough to mend every bit of our brokenness!
"But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness." Psalm 86:15
We all have talents and gifts but are we using them for Gods glory? When He stirs your heart do you answer with a willing spirit? Here is a devotion from Exodus I pray it moves your heart toward the Lord!
What are you focused on the distance and duration of your journey or the destination that God is taking you? Thoughts on Exodus 13:17-18 and Exodus 14:10-12.
2016 was a tough year for my family, we were getting blows from multiple sides. My husbands health continued to decline, we had a doctor take advantage of us, injections that caused more harm than good, a heartbreaking fall out with some family members over our different religious beliefs, the kids were hitting a rough stride in school, and so the list goes on.
I started praying for direction for my life at the beginning of 2016, I wanted Gods will more than anything (still do :) I wanted Him to use me and to find a purpose in my life based on His desires not my own. I started praying for this every day. Let your will be done, use me Lord, send me Lord, use my life for your purpose and your glory. I felt like God started speaking to me amidst the pain that He was going to use me.
I had an opportunity to take a preaching/teaching class over the summer. I remember some people even discouraging me from what I felt was God speaking to me to take this class. It was a 6 month class. The first two sessions I came home in tears. Why had I wasted my life? I was Gods girl when I was young and I threw it all way for what? People who didn't love me, lifestyles that didn't suite me, so much wasted time. Now I am a grown woman, how can I make an impact for His kingdom this late in the game. I stuck with it though, I loved the class, I wish even now I could just stop everything I am doing and go to seminary. I wrote a sermon about trials and at the end presented it to my class.
Around August I got a call from a woman at our church. Her and her husband were seeking Gods direction and the pastor had an opportunity for them but if she took this opportunity it would mean she couldn't teach the Women's Sunday School class any more, she had called to ask me if I wanted to take over the class. I was floored, I felt warm tears brimming my eyes, this was God. He had already spoken this to me and He was bringing it to reality.
I recently had the opportunity to work with a couple of wonderful godly women to plan a Women's Worship Night. I presented my sermon I wrote in the preaching/teaching class earlier that year.
I don't know where God is taking me or how He plans to use me but I know this - Do not listen to the people who speak unbelief to your heart, do not listen to the enemy who wants to diminish your worth rather listen to the Lord who has a plan for you, who loves you, and who is ready to use you for His glory! I would never have had the blessings I have had during the trials I have faced if I had listened to the doubt. Keep praying for Gods will in your life and watch Him reveal it!
We have some awesome tech guys and gals at our church who recorded the Women's Worship Night! The first video below is our amazing worship leader Kelsey singing Break Every Chain and How can it Be. My friend Laura is speaking about Our Living Hope! (I must say she tells the best flea story I have ever heard :) The second video is Kelsey singing Place of Freedom, Lord I Need You and Not for a Moment, I speak about finding Joy Through Trials.
Never forget God has a plan for you, whether you know it or not He does. If that plan is at its infancy trust Him for He who started a good work in you will be faithful to complete it!
Do you believe in the power of prayer? We have been given an open line to God but that line is worth nothing for us if we don't use it. We can not only pray for our lives but powerfully intercede for others. In the Bible Paul is often found praying for his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Paul is giving us an example of how we can pray for believers as he expresses his prayer for believers in Ephesus in Ephesians 1:15-20.
1) We can pray for believers to have Wisdom and Discernment!
Verse 17: "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him"
2) We can pray for believers to have an assurance of eternity and of the blessings that are promised to us!
Verse 18: "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints"
3. We can pray for believers to know the Power of God, to have confidence that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that is alive and at work today through them as believers!
Verse 19 & 20: "and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,”
How powerful would it be if you chose a fellow believer and just prayed for their spiritual welfare daily? Jesus prayed for ALL who believed in Him, we can follow His example by lifting up our brothers and sisters in Christ!
It's the third week of January already, did you make a New Years resolution yet? I stoped making resolutions a couple of years ago. I realized that all I was doing was resolving to do something in my own power and I generally failed after a period of time. In January of 2015 I read an email from an inspirational Christian leader about Naming My Year. This was more than a resolution this was about setting a goal through prayer and seeking Gods direction for my year, biblically backing that goal and claiming it in Christ name!
This year I am focusing on Confidence Through Christ, there are so many great bible verses about getting our confidence through Him. These are the two verses I am focusing on: “For the LORD will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught.” Proverbs 3:26NKJV and “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.”
Hebrews 10:35NKJV
This is my third year resolving not to do something in my own power! Would you give it a try? What could your year look like if you sought Gods direction, used His word to guide you and focus you toward that goal and claimed your achieving it through Christ power not your own?
If I have learned anything it's that my greatest achievements were the ones that I handed over fully to the Lord...
I finished our church's 2 year bible reading plan on 12/31. I don't tell you this to boast but to encourage you. See I was the person who was way invested in Gods word in my youth but fell off track somewhere when life hit. I tried repeatedly to get back to the word but never really committed, I was gonna do it some day but not now. 2 years ago I made the commitment that the time was now. I wanted to know God better and reading His word is a major part of that. This experience has been transformational to my soul. God has spoke to me through His word so many times I did not even expect. It wasn't a perfect journey because I am not perfect. I would get behind in some seasons, I am pretty sure there's some chapters in 2 Chronicles I glossed over but the point is I made it a point to seek God in His word everyday and it truly has shown me how the Word can renew the mind and the heart and draw us closer to God. It is never to late to commit to reading the Bible, you will be amazed I promise! I am so in love with Gods word I imagine I will spend my life seeking the truth of its pages. He is a good good father that left us this precious gift, a living word filled with all the truth we need all we have to do is open it 💗 Don't be worried about not understanding, pray for wisdom and God will give it to you! Just open the Bible and let your transformation begin!