What would it look like to be missing a "member" of our body?
Some of you may know the difficulty of that, the challenges that are faced with every day tasks. I am fortunate to have my body intact, for me it my mind that is challenging. But my hubby, he has a slight disability in one knee. It amazes me the challenges that happen with the everyday items, carrying a laundry basket, walking up and down stairs. He faces these things everyday and his disability is only partial, I couldn't imagine what life looks like with out a whole "member", a leg, an arm. I pray blessings and strength for those of you who do face these challenges daily.
Why all the talk about body parts? Because we as Christians are also part of a body, we are a "member" of the whole. What does the whole body of Christ look like when its missing a member? It doesn't function as well, why? Because each one of us has our own purpose, God made us unique!
Romans 12:4-5 tells us "For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another."
We are not called to be like other Christians, we are called to be like Christ, fulfilling HIS purpose for our life.
An arm could never do the job of a leg right? Does this make the arm worthless? NO, its beautiful the way every part of our body has a purpose, an individual function. Some parts we don't even see because they are behind the scenes but our bodies couldn't work properly without them!
I volunteer for my churches youth program weekly, these kids are beautiful and just love God the way only children can. For a long time I felt so unworthy to be a part of this program, I needed to be better, I needed to know the word more, I need to get my life in order. Nope I just needed to trust God that he put me right where he wanted me. This is my second year and I love it, I am filled with joy when a little voice recites a scripture or ask me about the Lord.
Be your self, God made you in HIS image, he loves you and you are needed Sisters and Brothers in Christ! Our churches function so much better with all their "members"!
Radically HIS - Melissa