Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Poured Out

I woke early this morning startled from a sci-fi like dream. Oh 5:40am during vacation 😩 We were getting up early anyway to go to the zoo this morning (although plans may change due to storms headed this way now) So I decided to just get up, have some coffee, read and watch the little birdies come eat.

Isaiah 53 gives us a picture of prediction, calling out the multiple ways Christ will suffer for our sins. I bet you may have heard some of them before "He was bruised for our inequalities"... "By His stripes we are healed"... "He was led as a lamb to the slaughter"... 

I've heard these before myself but one I had not heard, the one that really struck my spirit when reading it was this sentence in the midst of Isaiah 53:12 "He poured out His soul unto death"

Jesus, in a short 33ish years on earth, poured out his soul for us. But what does that really mean? The original Hebrew for "poured out" defines the term as this: to be (causatively, make) bare; hence, to empty, pour out, demolish:—leave destitute 

Jesus emptied Himself for us, He was left destitute on the cross for our sins, His cause for suffering was to bring Glory to the Father through the cleansing of our sins. He was the only perfect man and He suffered unto death to save us. His ministry was one that reached out to lost, lonely suffering souls. He was challenged, put down, beaten, laughed at and ultimately left for dead. He poured Himself out... Of all the beautiful pictures the bible paints of Jesus this one of His pouring out His soul captivates my heart. 

I pray that I could live a life that pours back, that I could empty myself for Gods Glory and that Jesus would remain in the forefront as my beautiful example for all the days of my life.

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