Sunday, March 27, 2016

Victory in Jesus!

I wonder what those who crucified Christ thought when His tomb came up empty on that Sunday years ago. After all some of the primary people who sent Jesus to his death were considered "wise men" some indeed knew scriptures so well they could quote it from heart but in a reality they were exceedingly unintelligent because they had The Christ face to face and denied Him. Their pride kept them from Gods wisdom. 

I can think back to times when I have had the wool over my eyes. I'm an ex-smoker for example. I loved smoking, I thought it was fine to smoke, I indulged in my own desires rather than living a life that kept myself healthy. I was sick all the time when I smoked, I was bound up in chains to smoking. It was on my mind all the time, I would buy cigarettes before putting gas in my car (true story)... I haven't smoked in years, 6 to be exact. Today I can't even believed I ever smoked, it wasted so much of my money and hurt my body. I feel so much healthier with out that in my life but there was a time when I was blinded to that truth, I believed the slogans, more over I believed the lie that I needed to smoke when what I really needed was God to cleanse me and heal me in that area of my life.

It's a sad story that some of the believers in the old days couldn't open their eyes to see God in the flesh right in front of them but I am so grateful today that Jesus in all bravery and the purest of love got up on that cross to die that He might glorify the father in washing our sins clean. Today is a victorious day because Jesus is ALIVE! He is risen and is as much alive today as he was on that first Sunday when they rolled away the stone!!!

Do you need victory today over something in your life? Tell Jesus, He is ready and willing to heal you and cleanse you! Is He working on your heart? Trust Jesus! If He began a good work in you Je will be sure to complete it! Has He already given you victory? Then praise Jesus today!!! 

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